Total Medals Earned: 103 (From
25 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 1,430 Points
Get crushed
Rescue Gretel
Be too greedy
Suffer the stickman's wrath
Reveal the bridge
Slay the beast
Get the pit death
Try and cross the swamp without Hansel
Go for a swim
Solve the weather puzzle
Pet the teddy
Give Rufus back his hat
Free Emma
Complete the game
Race the wolf... and lose
Teach hansel how to fly
Step on the trap
Give a dog a bone
Get Hansel to eat the scissors
Disrespect your elders
Beat a dead horse
Keep both dinner guests alive
Get cut
Beat the game after getting all the deaths
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Continue to play for 30 seconds after the movie ends.
Beat the game.
Let out all your aggression.
Be kind to those less fortunate than yourself.
Reveal the true face of evil!
Defeat Madness Mode!
[Career] Kill 50 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 200 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 350 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 1000 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 2000 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 600 enemies in Arena Mode.
Don't kill any traitors or cowards in Mission 1A.
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Easy Difficulty
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Normal Difficulty
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Hard Difficulty
Find Jesus's hidden blade in Story Mode.
[Career] Kill 9001 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 5000 enemies in Arena Mode.
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Hard Difficulty without playing Hank.
[Career] Kill 53,594 enemies in Arena Mode (Pfffft Good Luck!)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Crush the Apache Helicopter
Crush the Mini-Helictopter
Crush the Sheriff-Helicopter
Crush the Boeing 747
Crush the Concorde
Crush the Space Shuttle
Crush the Lear Jet
Crush the B-2 Spirit
Crush the B-52 Fortress
Crush the Airbus Beluga
Kill 15 Ducks
Crush 95 Sailing Yachts
Defeat BigFuzzyKitten.
View the game walkthrough.
Hit your first enemy.
Press the jump button to take flight!.
Defeat Mindchamber.
Defeat Psycho-Goldfish.
Defeat Stamper & Jeff.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Toggle Halloween Mode on or off.
Get 80% or more on P-bot's cleanup mini-game.
Best Friends Forever! Beat the game with both Tom and Dan.
Beat the game in Halloween Mode.
View every game-over ending (1 for each wave).
Eat 5 brains in one game.
Beat the game without using bombs.
Send the game's final boss back to the abyss.
Defeat the Kitty Krew without taking any damage.
Beat the game without eating any guts.
Beat the game at least once with all 6 characters.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Get 100k points in a single high jump.
Achieve 1m points in a single run.
Go fast enough to lose your headphones to the wind.
Achieve a 50x multi.
Achieve 100x multi.
Achieve 50m points in a single run.
Get 1m points in a single high jump.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Score 50 points in easy mode.
Score 50 points in medium mode.
Score 50 points in advanced mode.
Score 100 points in nightmare mode.
Take down the Airbus A380
Take down the BAE Hawk
Take down the Broadcast helicopter
Take down the crocodile jet
Take down the DHC 2 Beaver
Take down the HH65Dolphin helicopter
Take down the sailplane
Take down the CH46 Sea Knight helicopter
Crush 10 kayaks
Nuke Sydney
Eat 60 pieces of Orca
Take down the UFO
Take down the zeppelin
Kill 9 horses
Kill 30 cruise ship passengers
Kill 10 sky divers
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Talk to your brother.
Try to enter the house.
Get the axe.
Pull the switch.
Burn down all the houses.
That was a weird game.
Visit my world wide website.
Talk to the suspicious caravan.
Cut down all of the trees.